Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Techniques for Handling Negative Emotions

Techniques for Handling Negative Emotions

1 Frustration
2 Fear
3 Hurt
4 Anger 
5 Guilt
6 Disappointment
7 Anxiety
8 Disgust
9 Greed
10 Rejection

Frustration is an emotional reaction. If you and I evaluate this emotion deeply, then we will understand the deeper meaning of frustration. If we become proactive for frustration, then we can use this emotion rather than being used by it. If we change the picture, sound, and feeling for positive frame, then we can create the avenues for success. Frustration makes it clear that you are capable of doing something but you are not
pulling all the resources together. It shows the pathways for evaluation of internal strength and weakness.
Let us consider John Milton. He was very close to Crambel, the King of England. He authored many books
when he was secretary to Crambel. But his books were not up to the mark. In 1652 he became blind. In
1660 Charles II became the King of England. As Milton was close to Crambel, so he was punished and put in jail. Since the King was against him, the people did not go to meet him. In this situation he decided to write another book. It gave him an opportunity to author the classics like “Paradise Lost”. The simple meaning is
that we can create the best out of frustration. Even in school if your friend does extremely well and better than you, then somewhere you get frustrated because you believe that you could do it, but you couldn’t because of your self-imposed limitations. Therefore frustration is a trigger to understand self power. It is a trigger to discover the power within.

Fear provides an opportunity for self-preparation. It prepares you to fight war. Even in the war of
Mahabharata, Arjuna acquired all the skills for avoiding the fear of losing the battle. In reality the human being has two fears. First is the fear of falling and second is the fear of noise. Rest all fear such as fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of not being loved, fear of unknown are self-created and self-imposed.
Let us consider the great Alexander. When he was in India after crossing the river Jhelum in Jammu and Kashmir, his soldiers refused to move ahead because of the fear of the unknown. Alexander explained to his soldiers that all these fears were irrelevant and they will not be true. He said that success doesn’t come from
slavery, rather it follows bravery. He reminded them how they had challenged all kinds of fear in the past. And he forced them to replace fear with bravery. Fear provides avenues and chances to break limitations, take action, and create a highway before the pathways get blocked.

Hurt is a reflection of self image. Since this is created by us, therefore it depends on us whether we use it or allow it to use us. The emotion of hurt is a positive signal for our self reorganisation. If we have patience, then we must wait for the right time and we must plan for our next course of action. Let us model Vishnugupta Chanakya. Vishnugupta was from Pataliputra. He was insulted by Dhananand, the King of Pataliputra. At that time he vowed to keep his hair open till he destroyed the kingdom of Dhananand. He didn’t tie his hair so that it would always remind him of the hurt. Vishnugupta waited for many years and in the end achieved his goal. He finished the Nanda dynasty. Insult is the trigger for hurt. I look at insult as the biggest motivational factor for an individual’s growth. If you are insulted then only you become aware of your being. In case you are hurt, wait for the right time and then take action in a proactive way.

Anger is an emotional state. In this state of physiology you get the maximum power from the cosmos. Look at a child who gets angry and picks up and throws any object which comes in his way. If you ask the same child to pick up anything when he is in a normal mood, he will not do so. Can you tell from where the child got the energy? The answer is very simple—he got the energy from the state of anger. It is a most powerful emotion.
Let us model the life story of Richard Branson. He was very angry with the system because he was held captive for a day by the police for the offence of selling tax free export documents. Once, at the age of eight, he had gone out of London with his mother. Somehow he got separated from his mother. But he came back to his house by himself. All these activities gave him the power of independence. He established a studio and his first recording was a big hit. He could sell seven million copies. Then he was again angry with the facilities of the British Airways. He was angry with the seat space, food quality, etc. He launched Virgin Airways with world class facilities, which included a separate video screen for each passenger, best quality food with wine, very beautiful air hostesses, and sleeper seats. He got power from his anger. Anger unleashed the power in Richard Branson to become a billionaire.

Guilt is a signal of self-standard. It is a process of benchmarking. It explains the difference between what it should have been and what It is. If you really suffer from guilt, then you will never commit the same mistake again. You will also get an opportunity to correct your course of action and your behaviour. Once, Alfred Nobel read his own obituary saying that the “merchant of death died.” This statement created guilt in him and he started working for good causes. The famous Nobel prizes are named after him. Therefore guilt can be a yardstick for self development and it can work as a check on human behaviour.
Disappointment is a deep rooted emotion where a person stops hoping. Remember, life is a journey not a destination. You cannot write off the future just because your past was not good. We all know that past is not equal to future. Let us consider Oprah Winfrey. Oprah Winfrey used to stay with her mother. She was raped by one of her close relatives. She delivered a dead baby at the age of 14. For a normal woman, it would have been the end of the road, but for Oprah Winfrey it was the beginning. She reframed as there is nothing to lose. Everything is over. She started working round theclock without any fear of losing or being trapped. Now she has assets of 50 million dollars. She is the most influential black woman in USA. She challenged her disappointment. Subsequently she grew to be a stronger person. The 21st century is filled with opportunities and new openings. Let disappointment not disappoint you. Try to understand the emotional signal about what action has to be taken.

Anxiety is an emotion which gives a clear signal for believing the belief. This is the moment when the person should stop thinking about unnecessary questions. A person who doesn’t have faith in himself and in the Creator, always suffers from anxiety. Let us consider the great Mahatma Gandhi. When he went ahead with the non-violence movement, the whole country supported him. At the same moment, on 13 April 1919, the Jalianwala Bagh incident happened in which a lot of innocent people died. This was the point when the whole country was ready to take fire in their hands. But Gandhi was still there for peace. He never let himself suffer from anxiety. This was the magic of belief. In my seminar, I always say that if you have faith in your belief, you will never suffer from anxiety. To remove anxiety you must reduce the size of the picture, any unwanted sound, and any unwanted feeling.

Always pronounce disgust as an opportunity for a new creation. It is the time for introspection. You should
introspect your actions, be specific to each plan, and look for the desired goal. We can model the life story of Fred Smith. He was born as a physically challenged child. He had to walk with a support system. When he was four years old, his father died. He collected all his resources and put it on a dream company Federal Express. For five consecutive years he suffered from fear of bankruptcy. Don’t you think the Almighty was unkind to him? Everybody in this universe sometimes feels that God is not kind to him or has been unjust. Once Fred Smith had no money to pay the salary to his staff. This man had to play for his life. He decided to either live or finish his life and for the first and last time he went to a casino. Fortune favours the brave. He won 36,000 dollars to pay the salary to his staff. In 1970 he gave a very emotional speech to his staff and told them this fact. It was a very disgusting moment. But his massive action and honesty touched and moved everybody. Many employees agreed to work without salary and some of them sold their personal belongings and property to help Smith. Don’t you think it was very touching? We must take action and work consistently. It was Fred Smith who thought that open courier system will make a great mark on human life. And Federal Express finally made a huge profit. Today that company is worth ten billion dollars. Everybody
goes through difficult situations in their life. It is up to you to decide what you want from your life. Sometimes you have to take hard decisions that you had never thought of earlier.

Greed is a very powerful emotion and perhaps the most dangerous one. In my seminar, I always say that if there are greedy people in the universe, then they will always create a place for a cheat. Greed is the root cause of all corruption. Let us speak of greed as the desire to excel. We can model the life of Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs, along with his friend Stephen Wozniak, dreamt big. He sold hi s mini bus to start a company. They formed the company called Apple. The biggest frustration is how Steve Jobs was thrown out of the company. He developed a massive desire to take back the company. It was not greed but a burning desire to get back what belonged to him only. Finally in 1997 Steve took back the company again. Let us understand the emotion—greed. It can be a goal as well. Now just check what you are capable of, without taking any other person into consideration. Let the greed be the opening of a new avenue for your success.

Let us speak about this word as if somebody has ignored you. In this situation your ideas and thoughts are as intact as it was. If you think rejection is a personal failure you will never be able to take a massive action. Fear of rejection will be conditioned in your mind and subsequently the fear of failure will take over. Let us model Harland Sanders. He started business at the age of 60. He had a special recipe for cooking chicken. This recipe is now found in all KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) stores. He used to clean dishes but he became a billionaire. He started his business with 87 dollars. He was rejected thousands of times. But every time he made a new way to market his product. Every rejection taught him how to improve. Basically, it all depends on our thought process. All of us know the story of Thomas Edison. You cannot blame your age, sex, or background for your failure. It is an approach which does not respond in the right direction. Kroc McDonald started his business at the age of 53. Ronald Wilson Reagan became the president of USA at the age of 70. Karl Marx wrote Das Capital at the age of 59. Walt Disney made Disneyland at the age of 54. It is up to you to use the emotion or be used by the emotion. The choice is absolutely yours.

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