How to Use Eye Pattern in
Our Daily Life

If you are talking to
somebody and his eyes move towards
then you should always talk in future tense. Please
do not
break his pattern otherwise he will not like that.
Then the
rapport at the brain level will be broken because
subconscious mind is like the horse of our chariot.
We are
always guided and directed not by our consciousmind but by our subconscious mind. Hence, if
the speaker is in
future, if his eyes are in the right direction, please keep him there and if he is in
past then please keep him
in the
past. Then only will he love you to be there. He
remember you for many years even if you do not
meet him.
Have you ever noticed that sometimes you
somebody without any reason? Sometimes you start
somebody without having known that person for
long. It is nothing but the unbelievable gift of the
mind. You develop a liking for somebody
if your
wavelengths match and if you are able to connect
with the
person at various levels. We have heard that
attract each other, but in reality this is limited
to only
sexual relationships. I have never heard a person
“I like him because he is just the opposite of me.
He always
opposes my ideas. I like him because he is
me.” This never happens. It is a fact that persons
of similar nature get along
very well. That is why it is said
that the birds of a feather flock together.
When you are telling your
child something or giving
command, then never leave him unless you have
clearly. You should be very clear as to
what you
want your child to see or listen or feel. If you
are not
clear, it means you are giving a conflict command
and a conflict command will always give a split result. It
is needless to say, you will
not like the result. Many
parents keep telling certain
things or disciplining their
children without noticing its
impact on them. They
should start noticing, otherwise the children
will just reply
in the affirmative without understanding anything. Many a times at our workplace we
ask our
subordinates to do certain things. They say yes, but do not follow it, because while
giving them
instructions we do not bother to see whether the command is clear or not,
whether whatever we have said is
clear to them or not. You must
have noticed that whenever you place an order with a waiter, then before leaving, the
waiter repeats
your order. If
even then you do
not get what you have
ordered, then whose fault is it?
Of course yours, because you did not give importance to giving proper attention
to the waiter so that he could understand what you wanted and subsequently
deliver the same.
Again, if somebody is in the
feeling mode, that is, if his eyes have gone down towards right, then we should
keep him
in feeling mode only. Otherwise the pattern will be interrupted. At an advance level, we
can notice
the placement of the eyeballs
also. Through the movement of the eyeballs we can understand whether a person
is visual-oriented or audio-oriented
or feeling-oriented. In case the
eyeballs are both upwards, then the person is primarily visual. We should talk in picture form because such people understand in picture form. Similarly,
in case
if somebody’s eyes are down in the
right direction, then the person is
in feeling mode. Hence we should keep that person in feeling mode only. Through eyes we should know when to
close the deal.
Suppose a realtor is showing
a house to a lady and the lady happens to like the house and is in a
decision-making mood and
wants to buy the house. But the realtor could not understand the situation and tells her
that he will show a better
house than that. By saying this he will actually
her and it is sure that she will finally not buy any
property. In fact, she was in
a decision-making mood but
the realtor had lost the deal. Another
property might be
better in the eyes of the realtor,
but not in the eyes of the
buyer. It is crystal clear that only
that realtor can make a
good deal who understands the needs
and choices of
the customer. If any realtor
masters this skill
of understanding the eye
pattern, he can take his business
on top of
the world because he understands the
better than his competitors. Hence, as a negotiator, we should always notice the eye and
its patterns.
Eyes are
said to be the windows to the heart and soul. In my seminars, before the eye pattern is
discussed, everybody
says they can catch liars through normal experience but for me that is just guess work
and is based
only on gut feeling. But after my seminar they try to evaluate the eye pattern scientifically
and reach a
common conclusion that yes, it makes a big difference.
But I always advise everybody not to use this with their